-m util.fuseconv
Convert between ATF15xx JED and SVF files. The type of the file is determined by the extension
or .svf
, respectively).
If an SVF file is provided as an input, it is used to drive the JTAG programming state machine of a simulated device. The state machine is greatly simplified and only functions correctly when driven with vectors that program every non-reserved bit at least once.
usage: python3 -m util.fuseconv [-h] [-d DEVICE] INPUT OUTPUT
Positional Arguments
Read fuses from file INPUT.
Write fuses to file OUTPUT.
Named Arguments
- -d, --device
Possible choices: ATF1502AS, ATF1504AS, ATF1508AS
Select the device to use.
To prepare a JED file emitted by the fitter for flashing:
$ python3 -m util.fuseconv design.jed design.svf
To convert the resulting SVF file back to a fuse map:
$ python3 -m util.fuseconv design.svf design.jed