-m util.fuseconv

Convert between ATF15xx JED and SVF files. The type of the file is determined by the extension (.jed or .svf, respectively).

If an SVF file is provided as an input, it is used to drive the JTAG programming state machine of a simulated device. The state machine is greatly simplified and only functions correctly when driven with vectors that program every non-reserved bit at least once.

usage: python3 -m util.fuseconv [-h] [-d DEVICE] INPUT OUTPUT

Positional Arguments


Read fuses from file INPUT.


Write fuses to file OUTPUT.

Named Arguments

-d, --device

Possible choices: ATF1502AS, ATF1504AS, ATF1508AS

Select the device to use.

Default: 'ATF1502AS'


To prepare a JED file emitted by the fitter for flashing:

$ python3 -m util.fuseconv design.jed design.svf

To convert the resulting SVF file back to a fuse map:

$ python3 -m util.fuseconv design.svf design.jed