Lattice iCE40

The amaranth.vendor.lattice_ice40 module provides a base platform to support Lattice iCE40 devices.

The IceStorm and iCECube2 toolchains are supported.

class amaranth.vendor.lattice_ice40.LatticeICE40Platform(*, toolchain='IceStorm')

IceStorm toolchain

Required tools:
  • yosys

  • nextpnr-ice40

  • icepack

The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable AMARANTH_ENV_ICESTORM, if present.

Available overrides:
  • verbose: enables logging of informational messages to standard error.

  • read_verilog_opts: adds options for read_verilog Yosys command.

  • synth_opts: adds options for synth_ice40 Yosys command.

  • script_after_read: inserts commands after read_ilang in Yosys script.

  • script_after_synth: inserts commands after synth_ice40 in Yosys script.

  • yosys_opts: adds extra options for yosys.

  • nextpnr_opts: adds extra options for nextpnr-ice40.

  • add_pre_pack: inserts commands at the end in pre-pack Python script.

  • add_constraints: inserts commands at the end in the PCF file.

Build products:
  • {{name}}.rpt: Yosys log.

  • {{name}}.json: synthesized RTL.

  • {{name}}.tim: nextpnr log.

  • {{name}}.asc: ASCII bitstream.

  • {{name}}.bin: binary bitstream.

iCECube2 toolchain

This toolchain comes in two variants: LSE-iCECube2 and Synplify-iCECube2.

Required tools:
  • iCECube2 toolchain

  • tclsh

The environment is populated by setting the necessary environment variables based on AMARANTH_ENV_ICECUBE2, which must point to the root of the iCECube2 installation, and is required.

Available overrides:
  • verbose: enables logging of informational messages to standard error.

  • lse_opts: adds options for LSE.

  • script_after_add: inserts commands after add_file in Synplify Tcl script.

  • script_after_options: inserts commands after set_option in Synplify Tcl script.

  • add_constraints: inserts commands in SDC file.

  • script_after_flow: inserts commands after run_sbt_backend_auto in SBT Tcl script.

Build products:
  • {{name}}_lse.log (LSE) or {{name}}_design/{{name}}.htm (Synplify): synthesis log.

  • sbt/outputs/router/{{name}}_timing.rpt: timing report.

  • {{name}}.edf: EDIF netlist.

  • {{name}}.bin: binary bitstream.

toolchain = None
property required_tools

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):

property file_templates

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):

property command_templates

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):